Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board (GPSSB) has released an employment notification inviting candidates to apply for the positions of Talati Cum Mantri ,Jr.Clerk,FHW,MPHW & Gram Sevak in all district .candidates will be appointed in organization on regular basis.This is a great chance for interested candidates who are looking for Sarkari Naukri / Government Jobs in Gujarat.Eligible candidates may apply online from 24-11-2016 to 07-12-2016 at Candidates is advised to visit GPSSB official notification before applying for this post.more detailed information regarding educational qualification,age limit,selection procedure,how to apply ,last date for GPSSB Recruitment 2016 -2017 are mentioned below.
Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board (GPSSB)Talati Exam Pattern:-
*Sr. No. Subject Marks
Gujarati language or Grammar:
Arithmetic 15
English Grammar 15
General Knowledge and Mental ability
Gujarati Language:-
Vocabulary, Error Correction, Comprehension, Antonyms and Synonyms, Idioms & Phrases, Sentence Correction, Sentence Rearrangement, Unseen Passages, Word Formation, Translation of Sentences, Passage Correction, Fill in the Blanks etc.
Number Systems. Decimals and Fractions, Computation of Whole Numbers, Ratio and Proportion, Geometry, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Percentages, HCF & LCM etc.
English Grammar:-
As like Gujarati Grammar topics
General Knowledge:
Current Affairs – National & International, Awards and Honors, Important Financial & Economic News , Abbreviations, Current Events, Important Days, Sports, Books and Authors, International & National Organizations, Science – Inventions & Discoveries, Countries & Capitals etc.